
VOCAL MIDDLE 14th Workshop 《Top Project Award》



全球知名新創加速器看準台灣位居樞紐的地理位置及優質軟實力,正式落腳台北,整合全球資源與經驗豐富導師,提供國際資金、資訊、資源三資一體全方位整合,期望幫助更多台灣及跨國新創團隊前進世界舞台,期以 Demo Day 造勢、造市,贏得台灣創新創業領域關注。 The world-renowned startup accelerator officially established in Taipei, for the good geographic consideration and high-quality soft power in Taiwan with global resources and experienced instructors. The accelerator hosted their first Demo Day in Taipei to created strong awareness of accelerator and  connected cross-border funds in the globe.


全球新創生態系產值達 2.3 兆美元,順應這股新創勢力,近年台灣新創市場的產值與商機也因此有非常亮眼且持續性的成長。面對活絡的台灣新創市場,及台灣在地、國際知名眾多新創加速器的競爭之下,新創加速器應有脫穎而出的包裝策略,藉由首屆 DemoDay,創造活動聲量,強化加速器知名度,擴大媒體曝光效果;從眾多加速器中脫穎而出,吸引國內外創投業者、投資人目光,展現國際頂級加速器實力,進而創造國際商務媒合機會,是本次 DemoDay 的重要課題。 The global startup ecosystem has the market value of US$2.3 trillion. In line with this, Taiwan market also achieved impressive market value and business opportunities with sustain growth. Facing the keen competition from local and international startup accelerators, accelerator shall develop a unique branding strategy. Through this demo day, the accelerator created share of voice by the event, strengthened awareness of accelerator, and with great media exposure. The key target of the demo day is to create awareness among local and international venture capital and investors, demonstrate its capability of the international top startup accelerator, so as to develop international business opportunities.


  • 突顯加速器品牌特色,帶來真正世界級新創 Demo Day 體驗

針對首屆 Demo Day 質感營造,現場氛圍以「科技感」與「國際感」兩大核心元素打造大器氛圍,彰顯加速器品牌能幫助新創團隊站上國際舞台的優勢與價值,展現真正世界級Demo Day的高度與質感。 活動現場亦安排團隊專屬攤位,展現各自品牌特色,更精心規劃專屬品牌識別設計物,強化加速器記憶點,結合開放式空間設計,讓現場投資人、賓客與團隊能面對面進行深度的交流與意見交換,大幅提高商務媒合的機會。

  • 精準媒體議題切角設定,成功吸引主流科技媒體注意力


  • 高速率規劃,高效率執行


  •  Highlight the feature of  the accelerator that bring the world-class startup Demo Day experience

The Demo Day shaped the event atmosphere with two core elements, “scientific sense of technology” and “international sense”. The event illustrated the height of world-class Demo Day and highlighted the value of the accelerator – bring startup to the international stage. There were several highlighted companies booths demonstrating their brands and results with tailored props that enhance memento. The layout of the venue was also designed to create an atmosphere for investors, guests, and teams to connect, interact, and exchange ideas that served a good foundation to increase business opportunities.

  • Precise media angle to successfully attract mainstream media attention

Through the research and analysis on startup accelerator market in media with the key words of hot topics discussed, we developed key messages and communication strategy combining with highlights – “successful entrepreneur guidance”, “multinational enterprise chain”, and “global investment network”. It successfully developed topics that interested technology and business media expose the news of the Demo Day and the seven highlighted companies.

  • Efficient planning and coordination, effective execution and result

There were less than two weeks for planning before the event day. With expertise in the startup ecosystem, professional team, and event module know-how and flexible execution, the team organized the event with impressive decoration, smooth rundown and high interactive environment. All investors and guests attended the event gained excellent experience and recognition were well received.


  • 現場成功吸引超過500位國際創投機構、投資代表及新創圈貴賓蒞臨,台灣新創團隊更於會後獲得國際創業投資VC(Venture Capital)高度關注及主動聯繫約見。

  • 成功創造當天在社群上熱門討論話題,眾多參與者主動於Facebook、IG分享正面活動參與心得,並標註品牌關鍵字,擴散加速器品牌正面形象。

  • 質量兼具的媒體露與曝光效益:活動媒體露出篇數共計40+則,合計創造超過740萬+的媒體曝光效益與公關價值。媒體報導也以Tier1、2媒體為主,包含主流科技、新創媒體(數位時代、Inside、科技報橘, Meet創業小聚, etc.) 皆有報導露出。

  • 品牌面露出效果良好顯著:前端透過精準的議題設定與發酵,高達9成5以上媒體報導皆提及三大亮點溝通議題關鍵字,準確傳遞加速器品牌核心優勢 DNA,替加速器創造絕佳的良好宣傳效果。


  • Successfully attracted more than 500 international venture capital institutions, investment representatives and startup VIPs. The Taiwan startup companies received high attention and were contacted by Venture Capital institutions after the event.

  • Successfully created the hot discussion on social media community on event day. Attendees posts on their social media platform expressing good experience and feedback with event key words, that made the event go viral with positive brand image.

  • Quantitative media coverage with high quality: 40+ media coverages amount over 7.4+ million media PR value; mainly on tier 1 and tier 2 technology / business media, including, INSIDE, Tech Orange, Meet, etc.

  • Positive and remarkable brand exposure: Through the accurate key message development, up to 95% media reports mentioned those three highlighted key messages, delivering the core strength and DNA of the accelerator and create excellent effect for promoting the organization.



